God wants us to show other people His love, despite their sinful nature, shortcomings, and despite their wrong doing toward you. Not only because it exemplifies God, but it sets us apart from the other nonbelievers. Can you imagine trying to tell people that God is love and we are to exemplify God's love, but when faced with hatred from someone else all that love disappears? Why would anyone want to believe in God with that type of behavior. You are no different from any person that do not believe in God. Anyone can hate those who hate them.
“In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much.” Matthew 5: 43-46
The reason being is because God created all of us, He knows what He has created us to do and what He has created us to be. And so when we do things wrong to other people and are so consumed with wrecking havoc on other people's lives it is kinda of sad. It is sad because there is something inadequate in these type of people as to why they have to compensate by being mean to others, and mostly because they ignore the fact that the evil they do in this world they are going to have to be held accountable for, by God.
I once had a old boss that was so insecure. She was hated by all and no one wanted to be around her. She forced people to be her friend by using pay raises and promotion as a weapon to be hanged over their head. And then for kicks she would scream at them and degrade them in front of others. She knew if they wanted a promotion they would simply have to take it. And many people did. And to me, she would often follow me around in the halls and get mad when I did not want to have conversation with her. She would call me into the office and ask about my personal life and then get mad when I did not want to tell her. She would cut hours from me, lie about me, and tell other employees not to talk to me among many other things.
Instead I forgave, went on with my life, went on with my calling, and went on with m education. Although her bullying on the workplace was torture, it just made me stronger and it did not stop any of the plans that I had for myself.
The same with my son's father. He is a bad father to say the least. I used to care, get mad and angry for his blatant disregard for my son. But then I realized something. It was probably better not to have him in our lives then it was to have him in our lives. He is a felon, he is selfish, he does not want to be a father nor does he know how to be. He prefers to spend his time pretending on social media that he is a good father then actually being one. I looked over at my son and realized that my son is happy, he has positive male role models in his life. My son told me that he wants a father, but it does have to be his father because even at 6 years old he realizes that something is not quite right there. My son had forgiven his father for his shortcomings and does not think twice about him, I had to take a lesson from my son and do the same.
So often times, people who hurt you or have your hurt you, something is wrong with them; not you. It is their problems not yours, but you cannot wallow in unforgiveness and hatred toward that person for what they have done. You cannot allow the flaws they have in their personality to affect yours. And if you chose not to forgive them but remain in hatred and animosity toward them, then you will allow their demons to swallow the goodness about you as well. This is why we must forgive, and move on. Make sense? I hope so.
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