Well... fancy seeing you here! We all know i've been a very bad blogger of late *slaps wrist* but life has a funny old way of working out and giving you a nice little boot up the arse to get you back on track! 

October was good to me, i'm starting November on a very positive and exciting note and this is for a few reasons...

I got a new job! You know when you sit around and dream about the sort of environment you would love to work in, this is now reality for me! I have my wonderful mum to thank for this as she just so happened to spot an advert for a job that had me speed typing like a demon to apply for!

Fast forward and I am super dooper happy to say I am now the assistant at the fantabulous Sarah Hurley Designs! Not only is my new boss pretty awesome, but Oh! My! this is one talented business woman! From craft kits to the cutest scrapbooking embellishments, I love the products, the company, EVERYTHING! I'm beyond happy to be part of the team! 

Of course, being surrounded by all this crafty candy has meant that I now am visualising myself as the ultimate grand master of scrapbooking! Haha! You know I can't do anything by half measures! This is all Sarah's fault! I'm pretty much stalking my postman. I'm googling paper storage ideas. I'm going to start Project Life and I can't wait!! 

 Paper collection started... CHECK!

 Sticker collection started... CHECK!

Badass GlueGlider Pro... CHECK!

I'm sure a lot of you know about Project Life but if you don't, I highly suggest that you check out some videos from TwoPeasInABucket. Be warned, you'll be running out the front door to print photos and buy embellishments within the first 30 seconds! 

And then there is the second reason i'm loving November! I've had my first tutorial published in Homemade With Love magazine! Whoop! Issue 6 is out now! Great to see Anna Burnell from #PostCircle in there too! I actually have a little stack of letters I need to post out myself!

New tutorials are coming soon! In fact, better dig out my umbrella and head out in search of some silicone and fairy lights! ;-)

If you scrapbook or Project Life, i'd love to see your layouts! You can always TWEET me or find me on INSTAGRAM! #thegluegungirl 


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