I'm... a Bad Blogger!

I haven't blogged for 5 days! Shame on me! I have always prided myself on my multi-tasking abilities but it seems when you throw food into the mix, it all goes to pot!

I'm on a diet/fitness thing at the moment and the last week seems to have become one big blur. Clearly I have been so consumed by what i'm eating i've zoned out the world haha!

Totally my attitude towards exercise!

But i've been forcing myself to do it!

I won't bang on about all that but I will share a tumblr I came across and really enjoyed browsing through! (Yes alright Sean, I finally 'get' tumblr! haha!) http://healthandfitnesswithkate.tumblr.com/

Anyway! I have some new tutorials I need to get cracking with and I will also be holding a contest which i'm planning on getting up next Thursday as it'll be the 1st of MARCH! %^&*UH%$!! How did that go so quickly!?!

For lent, even though i'm not actually religious, i've decided to give up Paypal so no online shopping for 40 days! Naturally, that meant I had to have one last splurge today and ended up buying a couple of things from Topshop....

Hopefully I WILL get a new tutorial up tomorrow! 

Oh and finally...... it's PANCAKE DAY!! I'm totally allowing myself to have a couple with maple syrup & cream! I can't wait, my mum's are the best ever! Mmmm!!


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