I Love Sunday!

I may or may not have ended up buying some new books on my spending ban...

OK, I totally ended up buying some new sewing books which were waiting for me when I got home on saturday! Now, I think I am totally justified in blaming the lovely Kendall from Songbirds and Buttons as she suggested the Sew Darn Cute book to me (And it really IS sew darn cute!) and I then just so happened to find myself buying another couple as well. I've said it once, i'll say it again, WHOOPS! 

I've just had a brief flick through these and I'm really excited to try out some of the projects! Of course you'll see this when it happens and i'll also review these books for you too. I can say that at first glance, The Bag Making Bible is AH-MAZING. I heard great things about this book and I don't think it will disappoint! I've been totally inspired by sewing ever since since I made the Sweet Verbena pencil pouch! You can never have too many craft books!

In other news, Me and Sean saw this graffiti wall while freezing to death, walking to the studio in Shoreditch. It looks pretty cool if not slightly ruined by the traffic cones and sign! 

Sweep got a new coat....

Because not only was it -4....


I know it's a pretty pathetic amount but it's exciting non the less! Of course this dusting is enough to cause complete havoc in the UK, for a county that's obsessed by the weather, we're pretty unprepared for it!

Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday!

Lisa X

PS. I'm waiting on more parcels of tutorial supplies which will be here next week! I got some great DIYs planned for you all!! 


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