Introducing... The Amazings: Online Craft Classes

An email dropped in my inbox last week asking me if I had heard of The Amazings, a craft community that offers creative masterclasses. Naturally this got me curious. 

The Amazings is an online platform, offering online classes in everything from knitting and sewing to book binding and retro hair-dos. In essence, you pay to join a class, watch, and then learn a new crafty skill. The first thought that came to mind was why when there are so many free tutorials on YouTube, why would you chose The Amazings?

So this is my opinion on what makes The Amazings unique and worth a small online class fee - The classes are where retired and retiring people pass on a craft skill. Personally I think this idea is great. I could make a video showing you how to make something, but I am by no means an expert. The Amazings, through their Amazing Elders, TEACH you. You are getting the knowledge and the know how from someone who's spent years perfecting a skill to pass it on to another generation. 

Secondly, you get over 2 hours of beautifully shot video tutorials per class, teachers notes, and, you can interact with your teacher if you have questions. Once you've enrolled, you can watch a class anywhere, anytime, for as long as you like. If you loved Kirstie Allsopps Homemade series, you'll love this! 

Online classes range from £8 to £20, but the lovely people at The Amazings have given me a link which allows you a free class which you can access HERE! You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.


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