Garland Ga-Ga!

So....... short and sweet.

My new bedroom has this cute fireplace in it and, naturally, i've been looking for ways to decorate it. We all know I love a garland so when I came across this tutorial, I thought it would go perfectly draped across the top! I think this has to be one of my favorite garland tutorials, I just hope I can make mine look as good!

Get the tutorial HERE

Another of my new favorite things to do is put my iPad in the grate with the free Gaze HD fireplace app playing. At night, it looks and sounds like you have a real log fire burning! Obviously this photo wasn't taken at night but you get the idea!

My coat has also just turned up! Whoop! I love deliveries! I didn't have to wait in too long for it either so I managed to go out in the rain. Joy! It's light, slouchy and perfect for someone like me who gets way to hot while everyone else is still wrapping up with a scarf! I'm not cut out for British weather! It was originally £27 but is on sale for £16 and still available online!

Jacket: New Look

I'm off to work in the morning as I *might* have got myself a pretty cool job! I'll keep you posted but fingers crossed! Gonna get an early night with the season finale of The Vampire Diaries. If you like that and have withdrawal symptoms waiting for the new season, give The Secret Circle a watch, you won't be disappointed! Unfortunately, i've been watching the two simultaneously so i've got to wait for season 3 to start!


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