
I am so excited to welcome you all to my new blog. For me, it feels like I should have started this long ago. Some of you may have been followers from my previous blog/youtube and know I often found it hard to find inspiration to film and talk about beauty even though I love reading about it and watching other peoples videos. I received such a good reaction to the couple of craft videos I uploaded, it seemed like a no brainer to not move forward and share more of my crafty moments with you. Some will be successful, some might not, I am by no means an "expert" and have more than my fair share of flat cakes and hot glue burns! Either way, I look forward to sharing ideas with you and indulging in my guilty pleasure!

I'll be transferring over some of my older craft tutorials so they will be available here for people to reference and you can also subscribe to me on youtube HERE.

PS. Here's a couple of autumn inspiration photos!


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