Keep The Kids Quiet: How To Make Playdough!

When I was little I loved Playdough! I even remember when you could get a tub of it as the toy in your McDonald's happy meal. Ahhh... the good ol' days! Lordy.

[Cutting some serious shapes with my dad in the 80s!]

I came across a playdough recipe on Pinterest and, seeing as the kids are off school in the UK, I thought it was a good excuse to test this bad boy out! I can honestly say, this is not only cheap & easy, but it makes THE BEST playdough! I've been squishing it around for about half an hour now! Someone fetch me some cookie cutters!

Make this with your kids and I guarantee you'll be the coolest parent around plus, it'll keep them quite for a good couple of hours!

1) Put all the ingredients into a saucepan and stir together. 

2) Cook on a medium heat until everything starts sticking together and a dough is formed.

3) Tip the mixture onto a piece of greaseproof paper and allow to cool for around 5-10 minutes.

4) Give it a quick little knead and you're left with a smooth, squishy ball of playdough! Now begrudgingly hand it over to the kids! Store in an airtight container and make in a rainbow of different colours! 


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