3 Holy Grail Products I Had To Share

I know this post is a little out of place here but i've been using 3 products that I am SO impressed with, I had to share it with you! I can do more of these sorts of posts if you like them once in a while!

Usually my skin is pretty good but occasionally, especially as i've got older, it likes to be a pain in the arse and have a toddler tantrum. This results in breaking out in a couple of big ol' under the skin spots that really hurt. Usually I smother my face in sudocream which initially takes them down a bit but doesn't clear these sorts of spots up very fast.

So let me introduce you to PanOxyl 5% Aquagel, the face saviour! Dab a tiny amount of this onto the spot and over night it's pretty much non existent! On smaller blemishes, they totally vanish! This product is for acne, which I don't suffer from so I only use it on the spot, not all over my face. It also comes in 4 strengths, 2.5%, 5%, 7% and 10%. Unless you have really problem skin, I would stick to the 5%. Repeated use of this can dry the area the spot was in so put on some moisturiser first and you're good to go! I got mine HERE for the bargain price of £3.19! 

Secondly, I have tried pretty much all the home teeth whitening products available in Boots and all of them have been rubbish. Blanx, Rembrandt, Pearl Drops, you name, all rubbish. Randomly I happened to notice the Janina Ultra White Exra Strength toothpaste was on offer and I couldn't help myself. I also picked up a bottle of Colgate Plax Whitening mouthwash which I had heard was especially good for staining on the bottom teeth. (Tea & my days as a smoker being the culprit) 

Let me tell you, I have been using both day and night for 2 weeks now and I will never use anything else! Firstly, my teeth have never felt SO clean! They literally feel like glass and even when I wake up in the morning, my whole mouth and teeth feel exactly the same as when I brushed before bed! Nothing has achieved this before and for me, that alone makes these products worth while. 

The bonus, my teeth are roughly 2-3 shades whiter, in just 2 weeks! Whoop! Finally something that's working!! I actively look forward to my teeth cleaning ritual now and think I might have to invest in a nice new electric toothbrush! 

The Janina toothpaste you can buy online or in Boots for £11.18 and the Colgate mouthwash is £3.29.

I also decided to ombre my nails à la Lorraine and I finally used my OPI metro chic which personally, I don't like but on one nail it's alright! 

I know this post is random but I just wanted to share it with you!

Lisa X 

PS. Blogger is doing it's double spacing trick again! Grrrrr! Does anyone know how to fix this?! 


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