Jenny Craig: Day 1

I wanted to do a little summary of my first day on Jenny Craig. I can do these daily or at the end of each week depending on how frequent you'd like to read these posts?

Firstly, let me introduce yesterdays tormentors....

1) David's chocolate cake. I sniffed it. I wanted it.

2) My dirty habit, Dairylea Dunkers. I have 4 packets in the fridge that I know I shouldn't have in there but... I can't bring myself to throw them out. 

3) My daily stalk of Pinterests food section. This has to be my most looked at website and i'm trying to steer clear for the next 2 weeks. I already have withdrawal symptoms. 

Anyway, lets get onto day one! I measured out my milk allowance for the day into a separate milk bottle and then tried not to drown my cereal, which was chocolate covered wholewheat flakes. They tasted like chocolate Special K, no complaints here! I like cereal to stay crunchy and this didn't disappoint!

As you should add a salad with every lunch and vegetables with every dinner, plus fruit as a snack, I went to the shop and got some supplies. I decided to go for frozen vegetables because it's easier and there is no worry about them going off before I can eat them. I also picked up a couple of plastic tubs to make and keep my salad in. I know, SO organised! 

Todays lunch was Tangy Tomato Soup and a salad. You needed to add 1/4 of a cup of low fat cheese so I mixed this in with my salad with 1 tsp of Basil Pesto dressing. I can't eat salad without dressing so this was a teeny addition, but a little goes a long way. Put the lid on your salad box, give it a shake and it'll coat everything. I highly recommend Mary Berry's salad dressing btw!

I don't usually like soup but I have to say, this one was lovely and completely filled me up! There was something about the texture that made you feel like it was substantial. I only ate half of my salad, due to feeling full, so put the rest in the fridge and had it later in the afternoon.

 At about 5pm, I was a little bit hungry so I had my allocated snack! Let me tell you, Jenny Craig needs to sell these bad boys in the supermarket because they are so bloody nice! I had them with a peppermint tea and thoroughly enjoyed snack time!

For dinner I had pasta bolognese with just over a cup of vegetables. This is the point in which my camera battery decided to die on me.

I totally underestimated how much the frozen vegetables would shrink down when cooked so next time i'll use at least 2 cups. Everything tasted really nice but I was still slightly hungry so I had a bowl of chopped strawberries and raspberries.

David decided to have sausage, egg and chips. Enough said.

All in all, for a first day, success! I know when i've had Weight Watchers ready meals before they have been a little bit bland and their crisps melt before you get one crunch out of them, so if the rest of Jenny Craig continues like this, it's a winner for the food!

Onto day two!

L x

PS. A VERY exciting thing is happening today! I am currently waiting for a delivery of a shiny new iPhone (4s not the 5!) so my Blackberry days are going to be behind me! I can't wait to get instagraming! New phone means new case shopping! Whoop!


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