Jenny Craig day 7 + a disaster

Day 7 finally arrived meaning i'm one week down on Jenny Craig! I'm trying to get things into perspective and just get on with it, but i'm finding it hard knowing that my trip to Paris is rapidly upon me and the word D I E T is just not going to be part of my Parisian vocabulaire! 
Breakfast: Chocolate coated wholewheat flakes
Lunch: Winter Vegetable soup + 1/3 of a cup of low fat cheese
Snack: Lightly salted potato bites and some rhubarb yoghurt (Not the whole pot!)
Dinner: Chilli with steamed vegetables

No complaints on this day of food. None. Yep. Fall. Over.

We had a visitor to the garden in the shape of Cyril squirrel! He was making some rather suspicious bird like noises! Totally cute though!

Mr Pepper has gone in the bin. I'm not sure i'm ready to talk about it. If anyone know's where I can get something similar do let me know. My heart is as broken as his head :-(

And finally Sean posted a Julia Child quote on my Facebook which pretty much sums up my feelings about food! It made me happy!


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